Small Hinges Swing Big Doors
Sandy Freed Sandy Freed

Small Hinges Swing Big Doors

Did you ever wonder why so many people never achieve the goals they set out to do? They plan to lose weight, change careers, find a life partner, etc. All very respectable and achievable goals, but none that necessarily come from the snap of a finger.

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Negative Self-Talk…What A Nag!
Sandy Freed Sandy Freed

Negative Self-Talk…What A Nag!

Upon embarking on my journey of Health and Life Coaching I have found joy in helping others, seeing them transform not only their career, relationship(s) and physical being, but also their mindset, thought process, and how they genuinely see themselves in the world.

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Yo Yo Yo…Happy Holidays
Sandy Freed Sandy Freed

Yo Yo Yo…Happy Holidays

Granted, the title of this blog should probably say “Ho Ho Ho,” but unfortunately during the holidays many people don’t feel the “Ho” as much as they feel the “Yo,” meaning the yo-yo of the scale from (oftentimes) over-eating. And that my friends lead to the yo-yo on the scale.

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Say Hello to My Little Friend: Living with an Auto-Immune Disease
Sandy Freed Sandy Freed

Say Hello to My Little Friend: Living with an Auto-Immune Disease

Learning you have an auto-immune disease, without trying to be overdramatic, can be devastating. When my symptoms first began, I thought, “What the hell is going on with my body and how do I make it stop?” Granted, at the time of my diagnosis I was the mother of two young children, which really is code for exhaustion, but even then, I was beyond the normal tired.

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